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Rotate Device

ezsert Injector

  1. Comparative porcine eye study: study result (ezSert model 255-E vs manually loaded IOL delivery systems). David J Apple International Laboratory for Ocular Pathology. University Hospital Heidelberg. Report on file.

Experience a new level of surgical ease

Hoya Surgical Optics ezSert Injector

*Third-party trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

  1. Comparative porcine eye study: study result (ezSert model 255-E vs manually loaded IOL delivery systems). David J Apple International Laboratory for Ocular Pathology. University Hospital Heidelberg. Report on file.

Evaluations included a total of 8 procedures and were graded using the seven-point Likert scale:
ease of preparation (IOL loading for cartridge, OVD injection, advancing into nozzle) and ease of implantation (injector body rotation, nozzle insertion, visibility of IOL haptics and rod in the eye, haptics configuration, IOL delivery). 

[A] ezSert255-E, +20.0D
[B] AcrySof® IQ SN60WF, +20.0D, MONARCH III, D cartridge
[C] TECNIS® 1-Piece ZCB00, +20.0D, UNFOLDER Platinum 1 Series Implantation System, model 1MTEC30 cartridge

Are you looking for seamless control?

A chart showing the ease of implementation for various products, being the ezSert, AcrySof IQ, Monarch III, Tecnis 1 Piece + Unfolder, on a sliding scale from 1 (being the worst)-7(being the best).

ezSert™ – simpler and faster than manually loaded IOL delivery systems

In a comparative porcine cadaver eye study, ezSert™ achieved:1 
- full marks in assessment for “ease of preparation” 
- the highest average score in assessment for “ease of implantation”


*Third-party trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 

  1. Comparative porcine eye study: study result (ezSert model 255-E vs manually loaded IOL delivery systems). David J Apple International Laboratory for Ocular Pathology. University Hospital Heidelberg. Report on file.

The priming time for manually loaded IOL delivery systems represents the time needed to load the IOL into the cartridge, inject the OVD and advance the IOL into the nozzle. The priming time for ezSert™ represents the time needed to inject the OVD and advance the IOL into the nozzle (there is no need to load the IOL into the cartridge). The implantation procedure for all three delivery systems represents the time from which the leading haptic exits the nozzle tip, to the time the trailing haptic fully exits the nozzle tip.

[A] ezSertTM 255-E, +20.0D
[B] AcrySof IQ SN60WF, +20.0D, MONARCH III, D cartridge
[C] TECNIS 1-Piece ZCB00, +20.0D, UNFOLDER Platinum 1 Series Implantation System, model 1MTEC30 cartridge

A fast approach for your everyday practice

Hoya Surgical Optics ezSert Injector

ezSert™ is significantly faster to use than manually loaded IOL delivery systems1

ezSert™ requires just 15.10s to prime. In comparison, two commonly used manually loaded IOL delivery systems require 73.67s and 54.67s, respectively.

79.5% less priming time versus AcrySof® IQ +MONARCH®  III + D cartridge (P < 0.01) 72.4% less priming time versus TECNIS®  1-piece (ZCB00) +UNFOLDER® Platinum 1 Series + 1MTEC30
cartridge (P < 0.01)

Watch how ezSert™ is used



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