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National Congress Highlights 2024

SFO, ÖOG and DOC are part of our annual event season and every year we try to get the most out of each congress.

SFO, Paris, France - 04. - 06. May 2024

As in previous years, the event season for the HOYA Surgical Optics Event Team has kicked off with the Société Française d'Ophtalmologie (SFO) congress in Paris. A heartfelt thank you to the HOYA Surgical Optics Team, as well as to all our visitors, partners, and organizers who helped make the 2024 SFO Congress a tremendous success!

We extend our special appreciation to Pr Cochener, Pr Dot, Dr Bouchut, and Dr Bosc for their insightful presentations during our symposium on the Benefits of Combined Trifocal Implantation in Refractive Cataract Surgery. Their expertise offered valuable perspectives on advancing patient outcomes through innovative surgical approaches. A sincere thank you also goes to Dr Bouheraoua for his engaging and informative Premium Near Live Surgery demonstration, which was a highlight of the event.

Finally, we congratulate Nathan Courat and Cédric Boissiere, who were awarded the 1st and 2nd SFO Prizes, respectively, for the Best Poster on the theme of Cataract Surgery.

We look forward to seeing you at next year’s event as we continue to drive innovation and collaboration in the field of ophthalmology. Au revoir, Paris, until May 2025! 

ÖOG, Schladming, Austria - 09. - 11. May 2024

This year marked the 64th annual Österreichische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (ÖOG) Congress in Schladming, Austria. It was a pleasure to meet so many of our customers at our booth and engage in meaningful discussions about advancements in ophthalmology.

One of the highlights of the event was our sponsorship of the Phaco Wetlab, which was fully booked! Under the guidance of Chairman Dr. Gabriela Seher, the training provided participants with valuable hands-on experience. A special thank you to Dr. Rauchegger, Dr. Dimmer, and Prof. PD Dr. Steger for leading the sessions and sharing their expertise in cataract surgery techniques.

We look forward to seeing you again next year!

DOC, Nuremberg, Germany - 20. - 22. June 2024

Last but not least, we were off to Nuremberg to attend the Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmochirurgen (DOC), which took place from June 20–22.

Our booth was lively with visitors throughout the event, generating engaging discussions and showcasing product demonstrations. One of the highlights was our evening symposium, where experts Dr. Stefanie Schmickler, Prof. Dr. Ramin Khoramnia, and Prof. Dr. Hakan Kaymak shared their insights and experiences with the Vivinex™ portfolio, including Vivinex Impress™ and the Vivinex™ Gemetric™ family.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who attended, as well as to those who worked behind the scenes to make this event a success. See you next year, Nuremberg.

Keep reading for this year's highlights from the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) congress, where we'll be sharing insights from the event.

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